The Getty Center - My TPA study haven

Today I got to visit the world famous Getty Museum in Los Angeles. I needed to find a place where I could complete my TPA (Teacher Performance Assessment- aka a grueling 40 paged take home exam required to get a teaching credential) without going insane from the work overload. 

It's absolutely beautiful here. It's set on top of a gorgeous L.A. Mountain range so we had to ride a super modern subway from the parking garage to the museum. 

Right in the middle is this beautiful creek which built on a slope uses very little electricity by relying on gravity to bring the water trickling down the hill.

The criss-crossing design is very modern and makes walking through the gardens feel like a maze, but without the frustrating getting lost part. Unless you find yourself lost in its inspiring beauty.

My friend Abby and I found a great place to study here in a garden terrace right outside the cafe. It had beautiful views of the mountain. It's the perfect place to study. It's quiet, serene, surrounded by both man-made and natural beauty and the cafe behind us even has outlets when our technological devices start to die. P.S. The Coffee is good and cost only $2.50-3.25 a cup!

The best part is you can take a break from studying to walk in the peaceful gardens or take a peruse through the museum to see beautiful paintings, sculptures and famed photography.

Right now acclaimed photographer Ansel Adams has an exhibit until July 20th. Ansel Adams has such an amazing technique that he became the most famous photographer world wide. We weren't allowed to take photos in the exhibit, but I aided whether I could take pictures of the entryway description. 
At first the guard said "no", but after watching me read it for a significantly long time while my friend stood next to me dying of hiccups he said go ahead. 

Then he directed us to take pictures of all the other writings in the exhibit.
 As we left he told us "until you two came in I hadn't laughed all day!" Not sure if that was a complement or not, but I'm glad to make a stranger smile.

If it weren't for the 55min drive and the $15 parking, I'd come here everyday. 

Check my other post for a full gallery of all the pictures I took of the architecture and exhibits .


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