Gallery of the Getty

The tram that takes you up the mountain to the Getty Center 
Enter the Getty
View of the main lawn which the museums create a half circle around 
The criss crossing creek
Sunset casting a shadow on the creek
I tricked my iPhone into giving me better lighting 
More gravity propelled creek
A basin shaped fountain. Water drips down and flows down to the creek. Gravity powered fountain. 

How many museums are as beautiful as the art within them?

Photography exhibit 

Ansel Adams amazing "pure photography"

Sculptures outside the museum exhibits change regularly 
There are a lot of stairs, but even the stairs are beautiful 

Love the architecture 
This friendly employee posed for us
Who wouldn't pose for us?

Outside the "Connecting Seas" Exhibit- the beginning of globalization 

Mural for the exhibit 
Good hypothesis 
Cool take home for the kids , and me
Treasures you will see in the exhibit 
Also in this exhibit building- a secret library! 
Too bad it closed at 5pm
Heading to the Byzantium Empire Exhibit
On the way a ? It's pretty

German display cabinet 
Aptly named "Kabinettschrank"
They just don't make em like this anymore 
The museum has cool touch screen displays 
High tech
Whose this?
Such beautiful detail
Hand painted glass from a long long time ago...
About this long ago
How did scribes have such neat handwriting and where have these skills gone in today's society?
Ancient music notes. Wow!

Beautiful view of the Los Angeles Skyline
Oh look there's the 5 freeway! 
It looks much better from far away then when you are stuck in its traffic.
Our study terrace
Pretty mountain view 
Love the pink border
Even the elevator is pretty 
So many great places to sit and chat

Sharp edges
Wide open spaces
And me
Quiet pool(e)

It's almost as if he's pointing the way as we head home.
I couldn't resist taking a picture of this cute couple trying to get a picture of themselves. I'm not a creeper!
People are beautiful too. 
Goodbye Getty!


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