Week One Looks Promising: Day 4,5,6 of Garcinia Cambogia Experiment

(Cool picture from my hike, more on that later)

Overall the first week went pretty good. With my BMI range I shouldn't be losing more than 1 pound a week and I didn't so no surprise there.

The positives: I went down 4 pounds, but only 1 is verifiable (see previous post on why scales suck). And I went down 1 body fat % point. 

The negatives : I had a headaches and cloudy thinking. However if you read my notes there were other possible explanations for those phenomena. 

Overall a good start and if the trend continues I may be a believer of GC, but it really depends on if the trend continues. 

(Well work night technically, but I do work at school during the day. I'm a secret agent by night.)

Day 4 GC
Today I feel tired and cloudy headed, but I think it's because I just woke up from a nap.
I was tired probably because I got to bed at 3 am.
I couldn't sleep last night because I had coffee at 10pm. 

Note to self: don't have coffee at 10 pm no matter how cold and tired you are at work. Drink it earlier in the evening !

Weight 114.5 - 1 pound less!
BMI and fat % :
19.4 Fat
19.2 BMI

Weight fluctuates throughout the day based on water and food so weigh yourself in the morning before eating. For the most accuracy weigh yourself once a week. With this experiment though I'll weigh myself everyday knowing the weekends will be the most telling.

Day 5 GC

Maybe took the GC too early (you're supposed to take it 30 min prior to eating)
I took it 1 1/2 hrs before eating and had a headache. On the way to my hike I was feeling tired hungry and car sick.

Forgot to weigh myself today. It's ok, I will tomorrow morning.

( View from the top of my hike)

Day 6 GC

Stayed up too late; 3am last night.  NOT good , especially after hiking all day yesterday.
 My body must hate me, and now my throat hurts.

 I don't usually exercise. My exercise is usually the walking I do at work- about 45 min a day. Occasionally though I like to do adventurous things like go on a hike. This one was intense- 5 miles with a lot of steep hills, rocks and creek covered paths to jump over. A lot of work for a girl not used to regular exercise. The hike was at Will Rogers Ranch in Santa Monica in case anyone ever wants to go. It's a really cool park with lots of trails. This one in particular has an abandoned Nazi camp that has been spray painted by various artists.
(Nazi Camp/ Ranch Stables)

I used to exercise regularly. I went to the gym 2-3 times a week and took Zumba and kickboxing classes. I really loved those classes, but I just don't have the time and money for it right now. Someday...

Anyway here are my readings for today:

18.3% fat
19.2 BMI
114.4 weight 

Well my weight didn't change hardly at all, but my fat went down a whole percent! 
That's pretty cool.

Let's see if this trend continues.

Next week I am going to try to be really consistent about when I go to bed and when I take the supplement to make sure I get the most accurate results. 


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