Scales Suck! - Day 1,2 and 3 of Garcinia Cambogia Experiment

  So I did some research and apparently scales commonly suck at life and get things wrong all the time!

( )( for a great article on this ) 

 I tried to see if I'm losing weight from the supplement, but my scale says I've gained two pounds! Then  I realized if I move it to a spot on the floor a few feet over it says I've lost two pounds!

Apparently this is common with digital scales. You have to measure yourself on the scale using the same exact position and never move the scale to a new location. It's best to wear the same exact clothes every time or be naked. And you should measure your weight several times until the scale gives you the lowest weight or the same reading several times in a row. You may have to adjust the way you stand and practice standing the same exact way every time. So I may never know my actual exact weight, but if I stand right I'll have a measurement to go off of to see whether I've lost of gained weight.

So I basically have to start this experiment over after 3 days of using the supplement, because I don't know what my real weight was.

I re-measured myself sans clothes 3 times until I got the same reading every time and used a vantage point on the scale to keep my measurement consistent. So the new weight I am going with is 115.5. 

And with that comes new BMI .

Apparently I am bad at reading charts. This one is confusing because there's this general range at the top (18.5-24.9) for normal, but then there is also normal by age and gender. In general I'm NORMAL, but based on my age and gender my BMI is in the LOW category.

And the LOW range for fat percentage: 19.5%

I don't really need this supplement for the weight loss, but if it works for me maybe it will work for my friends and family and readers of this blog who want to get healthy as well. I'm fine being their guinea pig if it helps them achieve their goals.

I'm really hoping to experience the other benefits from GC. The mood boosting, better sleep, immune boost and focus.  I haven't noticed much yet, but it's been only a few days.
I'm hoping for mental clarity, but my mind has actually felt less clear and less Focussed. 

Also better sleep is supposed to happen, but I've been more tired than usual and sleeping past my alarm- not good! 

On the plus side I felt really happy and high on life yesterday. Could have been because great things are happening in my life, or it could have been the GC. Who knows? Too soon to tell.


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