Putting Garcinia to the Test: Weightloss Secret or Overblown Hype?

So this supplement "Garcinia Cambogia" according to Dr.Oz and Oprah and all these "health gurus" is supposed to be the magical weight loss cure we've all been waiting for.

I have no real desire to lose weight at all, but I love testing a theory or product for validity, you know in the name of science. 

Also some other claimed benefits sound appealing.

If you regularly take this supplement the benefits are:
- Suppressed Appetite and better able to control cravings 
- Increased serotonin levels 
- Feeling fuller longer
- Prevents fat from being produced by forcing carbs to be used as energy rather than stored as fat
- Curb emotional eating
- Increase in Serotonin levels 
- Improve mood
- Deeper more restful sleep
- Losing weight rapidly with no other changes to diet or exercise (average weight loss of 2-4 pounds a month)
- Possible Immunity boost and immune support *** I'm all about that possibility 

So why not try it. If it works on me then I'll suggest it to other people who like me are lazy and don't want to have to exercise everyday to be fit.

I got myself a scale and a bmi, body fat, water weight measurer to keep track of fat. (Side note: these things just came in today, God bless the 21st century when things come to me in the mail WITH batteries!! ) So we shall see if this thing makes a difference in my fat/weight. 

I also keep track of my mood, sleep quality and appetite. Also mental focus and clarity, because some people have notice positive effects on that.

The keys for this supplement are making sure you have the right dosage and good quality. 

A lot of products have too many fillers and don't have the right dosage. I did a lot of research to find out what's the best. I chose a product that met the qualifications and had 80% or more 4-5 star reviews on Amazon from real people with multiple reviews of other products. Mine has potassium, chromium and calcium added, all of which are supposed to aid in absorption. Some articles said only potassium is needed or only calcium, some claimed without these things the product wouldn't work, while others claimed they just add fluff and reduce potency- I thought to be safe I may as well get something with them.

You need to take at least 800 mg a day, 1000-1500 mg being ideal, and it needs to be 60% HCA (hydroxycitric acid). You take it 2-3 times a day, 30-60 minutes before a meal and no more than 3000 mg a day. 

So here's today's Pre-GC (Garcinia Cambogia) reading. My natural state:

Weight 118.8
BMI and Body Fat %

I'm 24 and female so according to this chart my BMI is normal and my body fat % is also normal.

Ok so now the question is can I lower these numbers with this magical supplement or at least notice positive changes to my mood, appetite, sleep quality and immune system? Stay tuned.

For tips on finding the best quality Garcinia see this article : 


For Dr.Oz review and Directions : http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/garcinia-cambogia-hca?page=2

I believe just because something is scientifically significant enough to be a proven technique, doesn't mean it won't work, but nevertheless here is specific medical advice on it from webmd. 

Basically they say there isn't enough evidence to show it helps for weight loss for sure, but maybe it does. They don't discuss the other benefits. That's why I'm trying it myself.



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