
Showing posts from 2010

The Matrix, Simulacra and Comedy?

I won't be modest, I think I'm freakin hillarious. On those magic moments when others agree with me, it does occur every so often, life is good. I love making people laugh. But sadly many of my jokes go unnoticed, or are misunderstood. Take this one in my Critical Theory class today. The class is a dull fest. Honestly intellectual discussions on the theories of critical theorists, theorizing how we best should theorize literature and literature theories. What? Yep that's what we discuss everyday. I did find one good use for the study of these theories though. They inspire great ideas for movies, and thats where my joke came from. For instance "The Matrix", pretty much the most awesome action sci-fi flick of our time, was based of Jean Baudrillard's writing on "Simulacra". Who knew these writers actually got their crazy ideas from their boring college classes? Mrs. Park if your reading this, I am sorry, it's not you, really it's not. I...

I Like Shoes

These are cute! Anyone know what 47.52 pounds translates to in American dollars? £ 47.52 | Top Quality Real Leather Upper High Heels Peep-toes with Bowknot Fashion Shoe.More Colors Aailable (0985-335)

I dance... Montage

 I like to dance. I sometimes watch youtube clips of movies over and over until I learn the dance moves, or sometimes Disney has those lovely learn the choreography clips. Anyway in such times as those I record my dancing so I can prove that at one point I learned the dance, since most likely I will forget it again. Anyway, I made a youtube video of my dancing and it became blocked by Germany! Pretty funny.  I am so proud. Watch the video by clicking on it on the sidebar of my blogs homepage under "Coco's Cameos"

Once you have your Philosophy: Apply it

Anyway the previous post was meant to serve as my little philosophical moment to remind myself what my purpose is before I attempt this new challenge of mine. Disclaimer: Stereotypes can be very dangerous presumptions about a certain group of people that can have negative affects on a person's emotional, mental and physical health when used to prejudge. Please do not assume anyone is a certain way just because of their initial appearance. With that said; stereotypes can be immensely funny, when they involve a hint of truth grossly exaggerated. Read on: I was sitting contemplating what my friend had recently divulged to me. He said, "Coco, I am Asian, and being Asian I study everyday in the library for like 12 hours. I am basically there from 9am to 12am just reading." " Concerned with his math I asked "Fan, you are aware that that’s 15 hours right?" "Well," he said, "I do leave to take food breaks when I need to eat." "Oh right...

Philosophy of Challenge: Being vs. Doing

Much of life is a series of challenges and events, and your character is made up of how you respond to these challenges. I personally feel life would be utterly boring if I did not have some goal or plan that I was working towards achieving. I am often driven in life by the mere fact that there are a million things I want to achieve and each day is a new opportunity to achieve those. Though these challenges may make life enriching, there is a downfall to being motivated by them because, if left unchecked you can get a case of what I call "achieveritis," meaning you loose sight of yourself aside from the things you do. Ultimately I believe that we have an end goal of "being". Though most of life is decisions and actions, the purpose of these is to shape our being and make us who we are. Being yourself, being who God truly made you to be; that is "being." When we become focused only on the "doing" we become legalistic."Being" is the...

You Can't Throw E-Paper Away

The first thing I ever wrote for the public was thrown into a trash can.  It was the vicious years of middle school where innocent children became raging wolves seeking to devour whichever kids stand in the way of their claim to the popularity pool. At first everyone wanted a copy of my new "cool" school newsletter, I ran out in a matter of minutes, but then I soon found them being tossed aside like I didn't put hours of labor into their polished production. A couple boys even had the audacity to call my name and then throw the paper away before my very eyes as I turned to look. Vicious animals, so uncivilized. True human nature in its uncontained form , thy name is Middle School. Most little girls would cry at this point in the story, but I was a brave little writer in training. "Why would anyone want a paper just so they could waste it? " I thought.  If you don't like it, fine, but at least give it back for recycling. Boys can be so immature! That's a ...