You Can't Throw E-Paper Away

The first thing I ever wrote for the public was thrown into a trash can. 
It was the vicious years of middle school where innocent children became raging wolves seeking to devour whichever kids stand in the way of their claim to the popularity pool. At first everyone wanted a copy of my new "cool" school newsletter, I ran out in a matter of minutes, but then I soon found them being tossed aside like I didn't put hours of labor into their polished production. A couple boys even had the audacity to call my name and then throw the paper away before my very eyes as I turned to look. Vicious animals, so uncivilized. True human nature in its uncontained form , thy name is Middle School. Most little girls would cry at this point in the story, but I was a brave little writer in training. "Why would anyone want a paper just so they could waste it? " I thought.  If you don't like it, fine, but at least give it back for recycling. Boys can be so immature! That's a good attitude for a 12 year-old. After all those years,I still think one thing is true, they just weren't ready for my far advanced wit and intellect. Maybe I flatter myself, but hey who having an underdeveloped self-image, and fear of appearing too confident can ever write a blog, an article or anything? You have to take a risk, even if that risk means you set your hopes and opinions of your own writing a little higher than they should be.  So here it is, my first blog entry. I never wanted to actually write a blog because of the legacy of my first published writing, but I'm doing it anyway. Maybe one of my old classmates will stumble upon this, think its crap, and have a strong desire to print it out and throw it in the trash, who knows? All I can say to that is you are wasting your own ink and paper this time buddy.


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