Philosophy of Challenge: Being vs. Doing

Much of life is a series of challenges and events, and your character is made up of how you respond to these challenges. I personally feel life would be utterly boring if I did not have some goal or plan that I was working towards achieving. I am often driven in life by the mere fact that there are a million things I want to achieve and each day is a new opportunity to achieve those. Though these challenges may make life enriching, there is a downfall to being motivated by them because, if left unchecked you can get a case of what I call "achieveritis," meaning you loose sight of yourself aside from the things you do.
Ultimately I believe that we have an end goal of "being". Though most of life is decisions and actions, the purpose of these is to shape our being and make us who we are. Being yourself, being who God truly made you to be; that is "being." When we become focused only on the "doing" we become legalistic."Being" is the end goal, but to get there you've got to "do" something. We all must face obstacles and challenges that make us grow. Everyone must make decisions that little by little make up their path. Also actions we do or events that happen often cause us to look inward at our selves creating epiphanies that lead to changing of our hearts. Through these actions that lead to heart-epiphanies; through the decisions we make or challenges we face, we grow our inner "being." Summary: By "doing" we affect the "being", but the ultimate goal is the "being", not the "doing", get it? Your achievements help you grow, your choices reflect your character, but they don't define you.


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