The Matrix, Simulacra and Comedy?

I won't be modest, I think I'm freakin hillarious. On those magic moments when others agree with me, it does occur every so often, life is good. I love making people laugh. But sadly many of my jokes go unnoticed, or are misunderstood. Take this one in my Critical Theory class today. The class is a dull fest. Honestly intellectual discussions on the theories of critical theorists, theorizing how we best should theorize literature and literature theories. What? Yep that's what we discuss everyday. I did find one good use for the study of these theories though. They inspire great ideas for movies, and thats where my joke came from. For instance "The Matrix", pretty much the most awesome action sci-fi flick of our time, was based of Jean Baudrillard's writing on "Simulacra". Who knew these writers actually got their crazy ideas from their boring college classes? Mrs. Park if your reading this, I am sorry, it's not you, really it's not. I'm just not enticed by the theoretical writings that take a semi-genius to decipher as you are.

So anyway I'm sitting in class and our professor asks us something like: "If all reality is no longer reality, but a Simulacra (copy) of reality, then how does Baudrilliard claim to know reality? What made him able to see the authentic reality, while the rest of us are limited to simulacra?

In a moment of pure genius I said : "He took the red pill"

and.... nothing. Not even a smile. I think they didn't hear me. Ah well it's ok, at least it brings me joy to be able to make pop culture references in a comical way during class.

P.S. Anyone else wonder why Morpheus only has one blue pill and like a bunch of red pills? Suggestive much? What if Neo said I'll take the blue pill, is he going to "accidentally" drop it? "Oops sorry Neo, dang that was the last one. Well at least we've got plenty of red pills left!"


  1. I'm laughing dude.
    I'm trying to write a 2500 on simulacra in 18 hours, now THATS funny

  2. ha ha I feel for ya, that must have been a ridiculous task!

  3. No, you are funny Corrine, even though I didn't get the joke because I've never seen the Matrix . . . yet.

    ~Kirsten O'Brien

  4. Although I am one of those who professes to love literary/critical theories, your response was fantastic and produced an absolute snicker from me. Very clever. :D


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