Why I Never Care to Shop Again

I used to be like many girls enjoying shopping with their friends or alone. I loved buying new clothes and new things. I spent the majority of my paychecks or any other income on new things for my closet or bedroom. It became something ugly though when I did not have enough money left for things that mattered more to me like going out, bigger ticket items or gifts for family members. In the worst moments I did not have enough money for things like groceries, bills or the mounding credit card debt. I started to feel guilty whenever I spent too much money or purchased something I did not really need, but I could not stop. I love pretty things, I love having new clothes and I love the fun experience of getting something new. It makes me feel alive, until I get home and have to put it all away in my overflowing closets. The issue of materialism, shopping and clutter became so troublesome that I have now come to a point where I don't care for it anymore. I'm sure many people ...