BTV Media Player Scam?
The following article does not condone piracy, but just for fun.
The following article actually isn't about piracy, but it does come into play. Read on to see why we are really here.

A friend of mine shared an article with me recently that I was drawn to because it made some shocking claims about Legacy Direct, a company I invested in.
The company sells media players which are basically devices for your TV similar to Roku or Apple TV which turn your TV into a smart TV and allow you to access multiple apps and tv/movie streaming. Some streaming is paid for like Netflix and Hulu, while other streaming is free by connecting users to online content from various hosting sites. Basically it allows you to get all your shows and movies on one source without having to download things (legally or illegally) on a computer then transfer to your tv or separately log in to your many tv streaming sites. Everything is streamlined to one place.
There is a danger with this though, like any other computer device (except maybe apple with its tight controls) you can alter the software or use then device to do evil things like pirating movies! Duh duh duh!!! We all know that everyone hates doing that and it's highly frowned upon in society and doing so will definitely lead to your arrest , 25 to life in the maximum security prison and of course public humiliation. Ok maybe it's not that intense, but Kanye West will definitely blame you for his loss of $53 million , so don't do that ok?
Anyway, though I always do my research before getting involved in a project or company, I don't ignore opposition and I'm open to new opinions so I checked this article out as my friend recommended and now I want to go over some of the flaws I found.
I realized that the article was based on a lot of misinformation so I decided to write a comment in response. Being that the author of the article has previously been known to delete opposing comments (even nice ones) from his page I decided to post mine here.
Additionally I hope it helps clarify facts for anyone who is seeking information on the company.
If you haven't read the article yet check it out here:
then come back and fish answers to all the most frequent asked questions .
What follows is my exact comment on the site:
My post 3/1/16: "I'm curious to see whether this comment will be deleted because there seems to be a pattern of deleting any opposition on this site.
I read this article to see if it had anything new I hadn't heard before. What I found was that it made several assumptions that lead to incorrect conclusions.
For example it says 100% of customers of this product are affiliates. Which would mean that people like my father-in law who purchased a box from this company, but in no way work for or associate with the company are affiliates.
If that were the case then all my friends and I would be affiliates of Target, Starbucks, Apple and any a myriad of other stores we shop at. (Hey where's my employee discount ?)
That's just one example.
(Does this photo make you want to illegally download tv shows? If so click here to join a local Pirate Anonymous group. We can set you free from your addiction to pirating online and help you find a better life of paying for digital content. I mean c'mon haven't you heard Kanye is broke?)
The big issue mentioned in this article was pirated content. They claimed that because the company promotes their product as a way to view movies that the company is pushing pirating. That is like saying that if "Dell" computer were to advertise their laptops by showing a commercial with someone watching movies online they are pushing pirating to all their customers.
There are many legitimate sources from which to gain access to movies and many illegal sources. A company that sells a hardware or software product can't control which kind of content users will stream.
Another important note is that this product only streams content and does not allow a user to download anything. A computer lets a user download content which may be pirated, are computers scams? They are not, but merely used illegally at times. This product does not even allow the possibility of downloading, though someone may stream something which has been illegally posted. In that case it is a matter of ethics as streaming illegal content is not yet illegal in itself. If it were it would be nearly impossible to follow through on. Illegal content must be downloaded to be considered pirated.
So the only question of legitimacy left in the claims of this article is :
Is this company advertising in such a way that promotes watching pirated videos?
My answer is two part. One : The answer according the company's own stance is no.
Two: There isn't much you can do to prove otherwise as it's not illegal to promote something implicitly.
First, The company itself is saying you can use the box for movies, yet they don't condone pirating. Therefore we can infer they are suggesting customers to use it for watching content you own or is free use- of which there is plenty. If someone reads into it saying they felt they were being told to pirate then who is to blame? I submit to you that it would be the person who commits the action, not the company who supplies the neutral tool.
Even if many people felt the company's advertising condoned pirating, there is no law, that I know of, which prohibits from advertising in a way that might make someone want to do something illegal. It may be morally wrong or ethically ambiguous, but the company itself is not actively trying to get people to break the law. It's no more illegal than advertising an alcohol product knowing that some people may be abusing it.
Just as many pay a premium for apple because they feel it is the best, many also believe BTV is the best. This is their comparison chart which shows what they offer beyond their competition.
The only legitimate complaint I saw on this article was that the price was marked up. Maybe so, but isn't the price on an iPhone a little steep? It's all in the company's decision what to charge. If they charge more in order to pay their employees or affiliates more that is a choice that may lead to less customers - it's a trade-off. Employee satisfaction may be a high value of the company as opposed to Walmart which makes billions and pays its employees minimum wage.
People can choose where to buy their products and what price they will pay so price is not a legitimate complaint when looking at the ethics of a company.
Hopefully this sheds some light on this issue. Those who have purchased this product needn't fear , you aren't going to have Feds at your door anytime soon.
Those who are interested in learning more about the product click here
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