Venusvoyager: An Introduction to my Travel Bog

A introduction to my blog Venus voyager :
January 27th 2012

In addition to this blog I also have a travel blog on Tumblr called Venus Voyager Girl. Here's what it's all about.

Venus: the planet which supposedly women hail from; a symbol of feminine power
Voyager: one who travels on a long and sometimes dangerous journey

About Venus Voyager Girl 
Venus voyager girl focuses on empowering women to travel even if they must go alone. We all must face inner journeys of the heart even if we never leave our doorstep. For the Venus Voyager Girl she knows the beautiful wisdom to be gained on the other side of her path and she isn't afraid to travel through dangerous paths to get there.

I love adventure, I have caught the travel bug, I love to explore new places and try new things both near and far. I am a confident, independent woman embracing the modern age. I am a Venus Voyager Girl. Are you?

Inspiring, empowering and growing together as women.

Also there is a connected Instagram:

Here's a sample travel post:

The reign of Noah's Ark in our journey has come to an end. We flooded out, all 22 of us , to the nearest ferry and traveled to the island of Cheng Chau . Our team must have looked ridiculous to the locals because we were jumping up and down , cheering and taking pictures like little kids on their first boat ride. It was a joyful sight and I thank the locals for their patience with us.
I Am an amateur photographer , and an amateur writer trying to become a mature person
I believe travel is essential to a full life and mature understanding, but even if we can't go far we all take on new journeys of growth multiple times throughout our lives . This blog gets its name from the identity I gained as a young independent woman traveling alone, but not lonely. Here I want to share my journeys and lessons with the world,but let it not stop there. This isn't my personal journal, for none of us live isolated on this planet, rather let this be a public place where everyone's journey, story, travels and life lessons can be shared. One person may only be able to travel to a few countries in their lifetime, but together we can cover every country and learn every lesson. My goal is this will be a place of shared knowledge, wisdom, joy and life. 

It's first and foremost a travel blog by an amateur journalist, but it follows the philosophy that travel, whether for work, pleasure or volunteer work, is never just travel, but a life changing journey. 

Read with me, learn with me and above all share your journey with me. 


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