Let it Go

Forgetting the past is different than letting go

Forgetting tries to ignore having thoughts about the past in order to avoid negative emotions that might come with remembrance

Letting go is accepting what happened
Forgiving those who were involved or to blame 
Choosing not to do well in anger or sadness even if the situation allowed you to have a right to feel that way
Deciding to take what you can and learn from the situation
Or at the very least exciting you would never make the same mistake again
Or if it was something that was done to you you can use that situation for good by being an influence and help others
You can be a advocate for people who experience the same pages you
You can spread important information and support for others who may not be aware
You can use the memory of past pain to inspire you to be a better person
And to determine what kind of character you want to develop

Forgetting never faces the fax and never allows the person to experience the pain

Letting go looks the pain in the eye feels it for a period of time but then chooses not to dwell on it any longer and lets go of the pain

If you never feel the pain you can never let go

Cry scream run do whatever you have to do to express that emotion

Give yourself. Time to feel those negative emotions caused from the past and then stop. Maybe after 10 minutes of crying for example you cannot cry anymore or five days of crying you cannot cry anymore
I once saw a girl who is entire face was scarred off from a terrible car accident

She had a very positive attitude and the way she said she got through it but she allowed yourself to cry for only five minutes everyday

She didn't allow herself to cry all day even if she felt like it because she didn't want to wallow in pain and right after the crying she switched to be seeing grateful and thinking of things she enjoyed

But she also didn't let herself skip the crying just because it would be easier to avoid a mere or pretend it didn't happen for forget about it

Balances is key

Balance is one of the hardest things for humans. Rather forget about it completely or be miserable about it forever

But if we were card balance to face her pain just enough to MoveOn we can
Forget it can be joyful and all the better for having gone through this situation


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