Department Store Makeup, Drug Store Prices

Today I'm going to show you how to get the best quality make up for the cheapest prices. 

(My look with some of the products I'll show you) 

If you haven't kept up on make up trends of late, or haven't been to the mall to see new stores such as "Skin Food" pop up, then you may not be aware that Korean make up is all the rage right now.

Korean make up is very high-quality, uses a lot of natural ingredients, and works just as good as the kind of make up you expect to find at a high class department store.
(On the left: Benefit's tint from Sephora costs $22, right: Korean brand Peripera's tint costs $5 +shipping )
(Left: my plain lips, right: Benefit tint after two applications )

(Left: Peripera's Cherry Juice tint water one application, right: still benefit)

(So you can see for the price it's very good quality, it stands out more than my favorite tint from benefit! Though I probably will still use benefits brand for my cheeks, the Peripera's would be too red) 

Additionally the Korean makeup can be very affordable if you know where to shop.

The best place I found shop is actually one of the most convenient. It may seem obvious, but most people don't think that Amazon is where they should get all their make up.

Let me tell you why it is:

First, you can buy make up and other products from any country in the world.

Second, Amazon is highly competitive so even when they're shipping from a totally different country, sellers often make their shipping very cheap or free!

(My products came in about 3 weeks, not bad!)

Third, Amazon has a ton of reviews that are helpful in making your buying decisions. If you've never tried a particular product or brand before you can just read the reviews and see what other people have said.

That is how I found some amazing korean brands such a skin food and skin 76.

So why Korean makeup?
Besides the already mentioned high quality and affordable price, Korean makeup is at the head of the game.

In Korea fashion and makeup are BIG, bigger than they are in America. As my good friend was telling me the other day, 

"In Korea we can't even go to the grocery store without dressing up in heels and putting on our makeup, or we will be treated differently."

Ok that's a little extreme and whether that is a good thing or not is the topic of another days blog, but the point is if you want to find a country that is going to go the extra mile to make people look good, it's Korea!
(The packaging is just too cute!)

Many Americans who travel to Korea take extra care to shop and stock up on their clothes and beauty products before returning home, but luckily with Amazon you can have it shipped to your home for cheap and save that luggage space.

The only caveat is you may wait up to a month to receive your products, but in my experience the shipping has been surprisingly fast. 

The first Korean makeup I tried was the Skin 76 BB cream trial pack. While we now see BB cream everywhere, it was invented in Korea. The creams I tried were amazing! So much smoother and more natural feeling/looking than foundation and they use products that are better for your skin.

Just be careful to look out for products that say "whitening." If you don't have age spots or skin you want to lighten then these are a "no-no." You don't want a tan body and a white face! Unless you are one of those rare Americans (like me Coco!) who doesn't like to tan.

Here are some of my favorite Korean brands and products:
(The designs are so cute!)

Skin Food : Carrot Lip Tint $12
I actually bought this one at a mall in 
Los Angeles

Skin 76: BB cream Pink

Check it out and happy shopping!

P.S. For Amazon noobs. There are a variety of sellers out there and sometimes they will sell counterfeit items so be sure to read some good and bad reviews of each product. I've never had this issue, but some people do so just read and if it gets a lot of 1-3 stars don't buy!

Also be sure to look around at other sellers selling the same products because some have cheaper prices, but high shipping and others have higher prices, but the shipping makes it's worth it as far as price and time to arrive.

If you spend a little extra time reading you will end up with your favorite cosmetics of all time, trust me!


  1. Interesting! I recently have been looking at reviews for Skin Food stuff on Amazon so this post was incredibly timely! I think I'll go ahead and make my purchase. :) Thank you, Coco!


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