My Friends are Like Monsters

New Challenge. Can I calm down when I have just filled myself up with social power? Any extroverts out there have the same problem? Spending time with people just winds me up so much like an energy drink that when I am trying to do homework I can not focus. I feel like I need to run a marathon to calm back down. I know what you're thinking, "So Coco why don't you go to the gym and calm down then do your work?" Well you know what, Mr. hypothetical logic person? Sometimes I just can't do that ok! It requires going home, changing, going outside or to the gym and moving, those are things I just don't feel like doing right now. Instead I just want to stay quietly in my friends room ranting to cyber space. Surely there must be another way to calm down when you just don't have the time to go to the gym/ don't have the nerve to start doing jumping jacks in front of your study partner. Maybe that's why I should study alone.


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