Finding My Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere

Three years ago at my first Biola Missions conference I poured out my heart to God and told him " Lord , here I am, I will go anywhere and do anything for you, but I don't know where it is you want me to go." I remember feeling so anxious and overwhelmed with the angst one feels when they are waiting for something they desire above all; their calling. I wondered why God wouldn't just tell me and I as frustrated because I was ready and willing to move mountains. That was then. Now it is my fourth Missions Conference and I joyfully proclaim that I have found my calling. God is leading me to be a teacher and after I graduate I will leave to teach English in China. I still feel overwhelmed but now I am overwhelmed with joy because I could never have imagined God's calling to be so perfect and wonderful. Like many Christians I imagined God would send me somewhere unbearably difficult and un-fun. If I surrendered he would send me to some 3rd world country where I'd live in poverty and fight for survival. I am still wiling to do that, but God is gracious to call us into what he has naturally prepared us for. He gave me a talent for teaching, so much that when I use to babysit my little brother, he would rather just be punished than listen to me lecture. Now thats skill! Seriously though, I never thought God would give me such a wonderful career and opportunity that fits me so well and call me to a country whose people he as already taught me to love immensely . To anyone who doubts Gods plan for them, or is afraid God will call them to a miserable life or even just a life that's boring, fret not! His plans for you are more wonderful than you can imagine and they incorporate who you truly are. Yes he changes our hearts when we surrender, yes it's hard, but he uses exactly who we are, who he made us to be , to call us into his purpose . When you find that, you too will be overwhelmed with Christ.


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