How does Justin Bieber treat his wife and what does it say about his mental health?

*Disclaimer this article is all based on speculation of spectators and fans so take this commentary with a grain of salt. Obviously I don't know these celebrities, but am writing based off what the media and fans are interpreting from out of context clips*

 I don’t keep up with celebrities much, but when I heard Justin Bieber, aka the Beebs, aka JB, was married I was like “I’m curious when did this happen?” And while I was searching to get basic details like when and where, what I found was lots of videos about how poorly he treats his wife. 

It looks pretty terrible. This video describes various incidents and details about what people have seen so far, but if you watch the clips of him actually talking to her it’s pretty disgraceful. He acts like a child. 

I mean you can’t completely judge what’s truly going on with out of context clips. But still it’s hard to imagine a context where these could be taken as anything less than rude and childlike behavior at the bare minimum and a sign of worse abuse at the max. If this is what he does when he knows he’s being watched, how bad is it behind closed doors? What do Hailey’s friends and parents think? Why is Justin acting this way toward someone who clearly loves him ?

What it looks like if the out of context video can be a sign of anything, is a lack of controlling impulses. He acts way out of line emotionally for the situation at hand.  Look how he gets so upset when she answers a question a fan asked him (video linked above). No one on their right mind would have interpreted her actions as rude or harmful. But he reacts as if he is being personally attacked. That to me suggests he doesn’t have his emotions in order. Perhaps he could benefit from some coaching, therapy or self-reflection.

People are quick to say this makes him a bad husband or person, but there are two sides to every story. This isn’t just a person acting out, but also a person who needs help. His actions are disgraceful and should not be ignored. I hope he will listen to his fans and friends who encourage him to seek help.  He found religion a while back and that’s great, but having faith doesn’t mean you don’t need medication, therapy or mental health treatment. 

What does this example of a celebrity mean to us common folk? 

When I see things like this I think of it as an important life lesson.

 Fame and fortune don’t mean nothing people if you can’t maintain relationships! If you don’t have friends, I mean real friends, and you don’t know how to treat your friends, then you won’t be able to buy your happiness. 

And actually that money probably prevents you from getting help sooner because you think you can just buy your problems away, but mental health takes a lot more effort than that. 

When I see, in the video, this  poor girl Hailey step out of their million dollar SUVs I just think how lonely she must be. I think how the immense amount of money and fame probably feels like a cage to her more than a blessing. The fact that he is so rich and famous probably just makes it harder for her to leave him and harder for anyone to hold him accountable for his actions. She probably has people telling her to leave and people telling her she’s be stupid to give all that up. And she probably sees him having so many “friends” who defend him just because they really only care about his money and fame. She probably also has her own issues and could use some help as well. The two have some communication and emotional control issues and with all that money you wonder why can't they pay for top quality coaching and therapy? Maybe they don't see the behavior as a problem?

I really hope that someone can get through to them and help them see the light. I hope they will get therapy. I hope Hailey will stop enabling him. The only way to stop someone from treating you poorly is to not allow them to treat you poorly. Girl has gotta stop laughing off his comments and playing it cool. Girl, you gotta get some back bone, and back up then set boundaries. If he treats you poorly he has to see that he will lose you. And if that doesn’t make him stop then maybe losing you will make him finally get the help he needs.

 Maybe he thought fame and fortune would make him happy, but it didn’t. Perhaps he thought Selena would make him happy, but she couldn’t, and now Hailey isn’t making him happy so he’s taking his unhappiness out on her. 

Well guess what Justin? 

Only YOU can make you happy. And it starts with owning up to your actions and feelings then being willing to do the hard work of therapy and coaching. 

I hope these two beautiful humans get the help they need. In the meantime the rest of us can learn from their experience . 


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