How to be Inspiring When You Feel Like A Failure

“I want to help others, but I’m still struggling myself. How can I inspire others when I feel like such a failure?”

Do you ever feel like you can’t help others or make a difference because of your own failure, flaws or weakness? Wanna know a secret? Most of us do or did at one time. 

Did you ever consider that the fact that you have this struggle makes you uniquely able to help others in the same or similar situations? 

YOU have the personal experience to be a unique light and inspiration to others because you have been there and still struggle with it. Never doubt the positive impact you can have. 

To teach something to others you only need to be one step or one chapter ahead of them. 

Even more importantly often times just by actively listening and supporting someone we make the biggest difference of all. Who better to help, support and be a good listening to others going through pain than someone who know what it feels like firsthand ?

Never feel like falling of the wagon means you can’t inspire others. Falling of the wagon is not the steep dark fall we picture in our minds. It’s more like a small little trip that you can quickly pick yourself up from,  say “oh that was silly” and just jump right back on the path you want.
When people say “sober 20 years” or “I stopped smoking” or “I beat depression” , whatever the thing is, we tend to think overcoming our issues is a one time cold turkey never look back kind of thing. We think if we slip up we can no longer say “ I have overcome”.  But that’s not true!

Overcoming is a process. Think of this sentence “I have overcome” as a past, present and future statement. You have overcome, you are currently overcoming and you will overcome all in one. 
Tell yourself this “ I am overcoming my struggles (you can insert a key struggle here if desired). I have overcome (struggle). I am worthy of praise for overcoming . I am proud of myself. - (KEY POINT) If I fall off the wagon I will not beat myself up. I will be patient and gracious with myself like I am with my friends. I will get back up and move on. It’s no big deal because I am getting better everyday. “ 

The truth sets you free, literally. That’s why saying powerful affirmations like this to yourself can change your life. 


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