Fakers gonna Fake, Haters gonna Hate, I'm just gonna shake...

Has anyone ever stopped and noticed how our culture promotes this "fake nice" especially in the workplace and especially with women in general. It's like we are encouraged to act like we like everyone as if that is true kindness when it isn't. We are told that a real lady doesn't directly express her thoughts or opinions, but sugar coats everything for others benefit.

First of all I don't understand how people can't learn to accept everyone. Even if you aren't fond of someone, it's easy to accept and love them because they are human. Unless they actually do something terrible and inhuman to you or another person, in that case yeah they are a garbage human, but if they are just weird or rub you the wrong way because they aren't just like you and your friends, who by the way were hand selected by you because they are just like you (science), then you can learn to accept and love that person and let them be.

Let them be doesn't mean you go out of your way to be a frenemy or fake friend. It just means common decency and respect. If you say one thing to someone's face and another behind their back that's not kindness. That's not sparing their feelings. That's called you are weak and don't know how to accept differences.

I can tell you so many times people have been passive aggressive to me, just slowly disappeared from my life or just excused their way out of situations with me because they'd rather be fake nice then admit to me, or really themselves that they just don't respect everyone. Because honestly that's what it is if you can't be true with yourself or others who deserves your time. Your probably the same girl who on a first date thinks I would never consider this guy in a million years, but then pushes through the dinner, is super polite giving him false hope, lets him spend all the money and then when he says "let's do this again" you go "yeah..." and then never respond to his text again or make excuses. Just be a human and say "your cool , but not for me." Honesty- try it sometime you may feel refreshed.

You don't have to like everyone, but you also don't have to go out of your way to pretend your someone's friend just so you can feel good about how fake nice you look to the them and the world around you.

I will never fake that I like you, but I do have an advantage because I pretty much  like everyone unless they are fake or jerks. The problem I face is that I don't always guard myself around fake people because it feels so unnatural for me not to be real.

What ends up happening is I just get really shy and timid around new people because I don't know whether they are false friends or not. Yes I have intuition about people right away, but I prefer to give people a chance and so I myself will stay reserved until I know more about someone.

Though this shy timid version of me is still me, a sweet kind and quiet person, not pretending to be something I'm not, it is not my favorite me. I prefer to be more free and loud. In a world of fake people it's hard for many of us to let loose. I think that's why our culture loves alcohol so much. I know it helps me loosen up.

I think our world would be a better place if we allowed ourselves to take the risk of not being liked or accepted by everyone and actually said what we meant.

I don't mean saying everything you feel at every moment because feelings change and yeah if I said everything I felt every moment I'd hurt people I actually care about. But let's just try to spend time actually asking ourselves what we really want and what we really value and let that transfer into relationships too.

I still don't know exactly what it looks like but I'm trying. Will you try with me? If we mess up we can always forgive, forget and move on, but NEVER ignore. That's the worst thing you can do . Ready to look inside?


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