Refuse to Choose, Stand to Lose?

After my husband told me today for the 1000th time that the reason I am not seeing success in any of my goals is that I need to focus on one thing, I consulted ChatGPT to find out how to narrow my focus and why I can't just buckle down and pick one thing. It's funny because, for many people, the answer may seem so easy. Just pick the thing you are best at, the one that's most likely to succeed, or the thing you are most interested in. However, asking me to do that is about as easy as asking me which body part I'd like to chop off. If forced to choose, it would be similar in that I'd just be trying to pick which thing is the least painful to live without. The rest of my life, I'd have to adapt to its absence while honestly wishing it were still there. That is how it feels for me to give up my variety of interests and choose one thing. This way of being is something I've always struggled with and has always felt hard in a world where people are praised for the...