Superthinking: How you CAN solve all your own problems.

Me with my blonde hair finding inner wisdom with the Shaolin Monks at the Shaolin Temple in Luoyang, Henan, China Too often we look outside ourselves for the answers to our problems. Does this sound like you: Do you find yourself often asking friends, online forums or reading books to get advice and solve your problems, but yet never seeming to get anywhere? Do you feel like you can't act until you find the magic answer you are looking for? Maybe you are just procrastinating or stuck because you feel confused about what to do or what is going on deep inside. Its easy to feel like other humans somehow have more knowledge, wisdom or understanding than we do, but truly the answers you seek are all inside. Now I am all for reading self-help blogs, like this one, books, or even going to a therapist or life coach for help. I highly recommend these things. But there comes a time where ma...