13 Reasons Does Not Glorify Suicide: Here's Why

In my previous post I gave an overview of the two sides responding to the new Netflix series "13 Reasons Why." I talked about how I recommend people respond to the topics involved whether they choose to watch the show or not and how teens need to talk about these issues with their parents. The show could be a catalyst for positive change no matter what side you fall on, because just by people discussing whether the show is appropriate gets them talking about the issues at hand, namely suicide, bullying and sexual assault. This is post is going a little more into which side of the argument I fall on and why. Mostly though I want to respond to the claim that the show "glorifies" suicide. I put "glorifies" in quotations above because its a very subjective term here. n the past this kind of terminology has been used to describe glorifying war as in when men in World War I were taught propaganda about how g...