Cruise Ship Scam ALERT!

Today I got a phone call from a mysterious San Diego number. I thought maybe it was a job response since I live here locally, but the number was not a person from San Diego at all, but rather part of an infamous scam going on: "Free Cruises".

Most people would hang up as soon as they heard the robot voice, great option, but some people like me may stay on. I have received many legitimate free vacations in the past, however once I got to the "end" of this call I was sure it was not legitimate, or at least not worth the risk.

Read on so you can be informed and warn your friends and family.

I received a phone call from a woman voiced robot at 1 (619) 273-5937 San Diego Area. She was a robot, not just recording, because she would ask a question and respond to your answers. She said that Holiday Cruise (the company name) is giving away their unused cabins in hopes of getting positive word of mouth advertising. I simply had to state that I was over 18 and had a credit card or debit card and then was transferred to a smooth talking salesmen. I know the techniques of sales, having been a salesperson myself. They used every trick in the book to get you to agree.

*** Red Flag #1 If they are simply giving away free cabins for word-of-mouth advertising, why do they need to "sell" you on it? Obviously there is a goal of making money here, and not just through word-of-mouth or repeat customers.

Next, he tells me all the great free things we get, then mentions I  only need to pay the $59 fee for port and departure taxes, which of course , everyone has to pay.

 ***Red flag #2 . If a legitimate company wanted to give out comp tickets for advertising purposes they would be completely complimentary. If taxes are necessary why can't we pay them at the time of booking at their website? There is no reason we should have to pay today or only on the phone.

Finally after  more fast talking about all the great benefits he says "how do you wanna pay credit or debit?" I say "I don't want to pay over the phone give me your website."  He says "that's the only way" and transfers me to his supervisor.

The supervisor is the "bad cop," if you will. The one who acts like they haven't got all day to convince you to take this "obviously" good offer. There is always a bad cop. The first guy I spoke with is the good cop buddy who asks you personal questions and shares information to be your friend. This supervisor is the one who gets short with you and says "if you don't want the offer we got plenty of other people"  (who are suckers and give their credit card out to anyone).

*** Red flag # 3 No one giving out truly free items should be mad at you for not accepting them.

 She even went so far as to say "don't worry about giving us your credit card because your credit company has protection."

***Red flag # 4. Basically she's saying "yeah, we are a scam, but hey you won't have to pay because your credit card company has scam protection! We get free money from your credit card company and you don't have to pay it once you call, wait on hold, complain, freak out and file a report ." No thank you.

Now she tried to convince me it wasn't a scam by agreeing to send me an e-mail that has their company logo. But really anyone can make a professional looking e-mail.

I told her I need to look over the information and what's a number I can call her back on. She said "this is a live promotion and if you don't take it now we move on to the next person."

 ***Red flag #5.  No one who is a legitimate business turns down an interested customer because they simply won't pay right this second. You should always have time to make a decision.

I told her well I'm going to have to pass, and she IMMEDIATELY without another word, not an "ok" , nothing. Hung up! How rude.

Basically they just want money, and they don't waste time with informed customers, they only want suckers.

Verdict: they may really give you a cruise at the end , who knows, but they are clearly L-I-A-R-S . They are not using good business practices, but rather using slick and scammy type practices. They just want your money, not your word-of-mouth or your survey answers. At Best you get a cruise, but they have hidden fees, try to upsale you while on the trip and force you to attend some 90 minute timeshare presentation. At worse: they are
A total scam and just steal your $118.

Best not to risk it.

P.S. For your protection here is all ye exact details they gave me

Company name: Holiday Cruise Line
Salesperson: Peter Cecere
Corporate ID # FT8441
Trip from Port Palm Beach
To Bahamas
Aboard ship: Grand Celebration

3 days , 2 nights , meals and entertainment and room service included
You have 18 months to reserve your guranteed date
(wait, I thought they needed me to fill unsold rooms? They can predict the future ? Amazing!)


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