Cruise Ship Scam ALERT!

Today I got a phone call from a mysterious San Diego number. I thought maybe it was a job response since I live here locally, but the number was not a person from San Diego at all, but rather part of an infamous scam going on: "Free Cruises". Most people would hang up as soon as they heard the robot voice, great option, but some people like me may stay on. I have received many legitimate free vacations in the past, however once I got to the "end" of this call I was sure it was not legitimate, or at least not worth the risk. Read on so you can be informed and warn your friends and family. I received a phone call from a woman voiced robot at 1 (619) 273-5937 San Diego Area. She was a robot, not just recording, because she would ask a question and respond to your answers. She said that Holiday Cruise (the company name) is giving away their unused cabins in hopes of getting positive word of mouth advertising. I simply had to state that I was over 18 and had ...