This Is Halloween

           It's Halloween in China, where I currently live, but only the foreign teachers here know to celebrate this wacky holiday. I personally LOVE Halloween. It is a day where people celebrate creativity and let go of their inhibitions for one night to dress up, have fun and willingly do that which usually terrifies them. Its also a day like other holidays where we give to others. Some of us spend our Halloween celebrating innocence and fun of young children by passing out sweets to the neighborhood or taking our own children out Trick-OR-Treating. Some of us spend the day trying to get as scared as possible. Others go out and celebrate with friends with a party.

           More and more I meet people who see no value to Halloween, just another useless holiday, but it is so much more than that. It’s the creativity of people trying to come up with the coolest costume or scariest decorated house. It's people putting aside their inhibition to look ridiculous, go door to door (which salesman are afraid to do these days) or just to a party with others who also are letting another side of themselves show. You can learn about your friend's interests, values and favorites just by seeing what they decided to dress up as. Halloween is all about fantasy. Imagine what can be possible or what could be different about what is. People who have no creative outlets at their desk jobs all year on this one day can show up to work, or after work if you have a lame job that won't let you have a little fun, and blast out their creative side with an awesome costume.

          The other side of Halloween is the fear aspect. We all love to get a little scared. Watching a scary movie, going to our neighbors creepy decorated house or even paying to go through a professional Haunted walk is something many of us can't resist. Why? I think there is something about controlled fear that thrills us. In our everyday lives there is very little that we can control sometimes. We can't control the traffic, or our boss, or the fact that we have to get out of bed when that stupid alarm sounds. We never know when something unexpected could mess up our day. But in a scary movie there is a sense of predictability, even if the only thing we know is that at the end no matter what happens to the characters we are still alive and fine. I think we can gain a sense of stability just from watching crazy unstable events happen to others on screen. And there is a thrill to being scared and then realizing everything is ok.

            Another cool aspect of fear is it gives us the chance to be brave. How often in our lives do we turn down chances to take risks because its not practical? At Halloween we can take calculated risks that feel crazy, impress our friends and just are pure fun. We can enter fear and come out alive with no battle wounds. What other time of the year gives you this golden opportunity?

          Even Christians have a purpose in the fear of Halloween. As Christian horror film director Scott Derrickson described there is an innate desire in all of us to see good conquering evil. We reach a deep desire inside of ourselves when we watch a horror film where we are rooting for the protagonist against some seemingly insurmountable evil. The philosophy behind horror films is really fascinating to study and I recommend reading into it sometime. Every good horror film has a deeper philosophy behind it that speaks to some part of our souls. I'm not saying that everyone should watch horror films, but I am saying if that is your thing there may be a deeper reason for your interest and it isn't a crime.

           And if facing your fears, conquering evil and getting creative is not the way you spend Halloween, maybe you already loosed your inhibitions enough to your content, there is always the purely kind act of giving candies to the children. Every day of the year we tell our kids to stay away from strangers and definitely don't sell your Girlscout cookies door to door, at least not without an adult. But on Halloween we break all those rules and our neighborhood is almost safe again. Our neighbors go out and spend their hard earned money to buy free treats and candy for our kids. And what is their reward? They get to enjoy seeing the smiling, excited faces of the kids all cute and dressed up in their little costumes. It's also a good way for older folks to stay in touch- I mean think of all the questions they'll have after they ask "who are you dressed as little girl" and she replies "Hannah Montana" or "Nicki Minaj." They'll learn more about pop culture on Halloween than they ever would through the normal course of a year.

           Ok I am being somewhat facetious with the pop culture thing, but still what a great day where all of us are encouraged to give candy for free and get candy for free! It's the one day where having a 20 gallon bag of candy is not looked down upon. Besides that would stores even sell those bulk candy bags if it weren't for Halloween? It’s a good thing.

           In conclusion, Halloween is AMAZING. It’s a chance to show your creative side, let go of your inhibitions and show a new side of yourself to your friends. It's a time where we can feel in control of our out of control lives by entering into fearful situations and coming out alive. Or a time for us to brave what we usually hide away from. A day where we can realize evil is out there, but face it head on and celebrate good conquering that evil. A day where fantasy is celebrated and the deeper sides of the mind are reached. And it's a day where we can out of our goodwill give to others and enjoy seeing the innocence and imagination of children as we are encouraged to be imaginative ourselves.

        Today I am going to share all the wonders of Halloween with Chinese students. I don't have a costume, but I've got my Halloween Spotify playlist, The Adam's Family dvd, and enough crazy Chinese fashions to throw something together last minute.


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