
Showing posts from September, 2024

How my “skinny-fat” body almost killed me, and what no doctor seems to know.

 Growing up we were really lied to about food. The narrative I got from adults, commercials, doctors and common wisdom was that all unhealthy food was, was stuff we should only indulge in occasionally because if we overate we’d become fat, and once your fat you get sick.  That was an oversimplified lie that has ruined my health. I thought because I ate 80% healthy food and only 20% processed or fast food and was skinny that I was healthy. Wrong. The problem with fast food, processed food, packaged food, even a majority of so called healthy foods out there that say “natural” on the box and are made with seemingly healthy things like grain and fruit, is that they are chemically engineered to taste better with substances that once altered are no longer digested by the body as those foods were intended. To focus on one simple aspect, everything is laden with sugar, often hidden under one of its many names.  If you are eating a peanut butter sandwich you may as well be eating 2 homemade cho

Interpreting Your Dreams Through Chat Gpt

I've created a custom GPT in ChatGPT designed specifically for interpreting dreams using biblical symbols and wisdom! This unique tool is perfect for anyone seeking deeper insight into their dreams, whether from a psychological or biblical perspective. By blending time-tested biblical wisdom with modern psychological principles, this GPT offers a unique approach to understanding the possible messages in your dreams. It can help you discern whether you're receiving guidance from God or uncovering valuable psychological insights. Plus, it provides relevant Bible verses that align with the themes in your dreams. I hope this GPT helps people discover the deeper meanings in their dreams, inspiring a more faith-filled and insightful life! Examples of how to use this GPT for dream interpretation: Ask about specific symbols : "What does it mean if I dream about a lion, according to biblical symbols?" Discern the source of your dreams : "How do I know if my dream is from