Yes Man the Underrated Film We All Need Right Now

People today are stressed and struggling more than ever to find what makes them happy and how to live a rich life. Films likewise are often struggling to provide the simple joy and meaning they once did. I don’t know if Netflix and the slow death of theater’s caused this or is a result of this, but films today just don’t hold a candle to the blockbusters of the 80s-early 2000s. We want authentic plots, which means more realistic artsy films that can be long, dull and leave you in a state of questioning whether the world has any good in it. That’s no fun even if the film is good, but many aren’t that good. Where is that classic plot experience, where the hero might win just as you expected snd the end is neatly wrapped in a bow, but you don’t care because your comfortably engages and wrapped up in the story the entire time. Jaws, Jurassic Park, Star Wars (I know it’s slightly before the 80s), ET, Gremlins, Indianapolis Jones, The Mummy (only the first one and only rhet...