Be Careful What You Do Wish For: Grass is Always Greener Syndrome, Lamentations on Millennial experience compared to our Boomer Parents, The economy and The Peace I Have Made with It.

I dreamt forever about having my own house. When I first got married nearly 9 years ago I assumed we'd save up for and buy a house in 5 years or so. That seemed like a good long time and I thought we'd get a really cute little house with character right in the middle of downtown La Mesa, in sunny San Diego county where we both grew up. The houses at the time were pricey, but within reach for a couple who saved for a few years and had two decent paying jobs, which we both were on the way to having. But as time went on we seemed to never have a time where we both had two decent paying jobs. One of us would get a good 30-40k a year job and then the other would be in a lower paying job, or be unemployed. One time I got my dream job and then my husband's company let him go and shut down. Then my dream job turned out to be a nightmare in disguise and my husband got passed over for a promotion for a job that was literally what he was already doing and assured that he was going to ...