My love/hate relationship with Hello Fresh, an honest review & why they're still worth a try!

Hello Fresh is a meal/cooking delivery kit that I was excited to try. It's one of those boxes where they send you pre-portioned ingredients, with recipe cards and you cook it yourself. I love these types of boxes because they are fun, help you learn cooking skills, let you try new recipes and usually taste amazing! So why the love/hate relationship? Well, first let me say this review though stated strongly will be my honest review including what is good, bad and ugly about this service. I actually have a lot of good things to say, which I think is why I sometimes feel like I hate them because some of their tactics and methods just have so much room for improvement that it makes it hard to continue a regularly monthly membership. They are more like a fling you try again every three months. I have tried 3 separate subscription with them because over the years as I move houses they keep sending me discounts in t...