Make Not Monsters of Men
This life philosophy just came to me. I hope it helps someone or at least creates a meaningful discussion. I think in life it is the small choices that determine who you are. Whether you do wonderful things for the world or terrible is not determined primarily in one big action you take, but the little steps. Great people are not born in a day and neither are Monsters. It’s those little daily choices you made to say something nice or say something mean, to tell the truth or a white lie, to control your urge for the easy route and do that slightly harder thing instead, that create your path. These little choices will take you to the place where you can do things you thought were impossible for you. Whether those be to change the world for the better or destroy it, is up to your past decisions. For example someone who opens a non-profit organization giving free help to patients of cancer is doing great things with seemingly one choice, but it...