Wedding Planning Sucks, Don't Let Anyone Tell You Otherwise

Truth time: Has anyone ever told you that planning a wedding is one of the most stressful and challenging endeavors you will ever endure? I think supposedly the actual wedding day is cool, but I cannot say from experience. I trust that those who told me their wedding day was magical and great were being truthful. However , it just occurred to me that no one ever warned me how much planning a wedding will consume, disrupt and stress up your life. Either my friends who got married in the past are way better at managing stress and high volume of tasks than me or they were holding some of it in. I'm going to go with the latter. I commend you past and future brides for the amount of work you go through and how you gracefully respond to others constant questions about "how is wedding planning going?" You girls are angels. But it was never my style to be graceful. I have no filter and no shame, so I am told. So just so EVERYONE knows , if you haven't done it yourselves...