
How my “skinny-fat” body almost killed me, and what no doctor seems to know.

 Growing up we were really lied to about food. The narrative I got from adults, commercials, doctors and common wisdom was that all unhealthy food was, was stuff we should only indulge in occasionally because if we overate we’d become fat, and once your fat you get sick.  That was an oversimplified lie that has ruined my health. I thought because I ate 80% healthy food and only 20% processed or fast food and was skinny that I was healthy. Wrong. The problem with fast food, processed food, packaged food, even a majority of so called healthy foods out there that say “natural” on the box and are made with seemingly healthy things like grain and fruit, is that they are chemically engineered to taste better with substances that once altered are no longer digested by the body as those foods were intended. To focus on one simple aspect, everything is laden with sugar, often hidden under one of its many names.  If you are eating a peanut butter sandwich you may as well be eating 2 homemade cho

Interpreting Your Dreams Through Chat Gpt

I've created a custom GPT in ChatGPT designed specifically for interpreting dreams using biblical symbols and wisdom! This unique tool is perfect for anyone seeking deeper insight into their dreams, whether from a psychological or biblical perspective. By blending time-tested biblical wisdom with modern psychological principles, this GPT offers a unique approach to understanding the possible messages in your dreams. It can help you discern whether you're receiving guidance from God or uncovering valuable psychological insights. Plus, it provides relevant Bible verses that align with the themes in your dreams. I hope this GPT helps people discover the deeper meanings in their dreams, inspiring a more faith-filled and insightful life! Examples of how to use this GPT for dream interpretation: Ask about specific symbols : "What does it mean if I dream about a lion, according to biblical symbols?" Discern the source of your dreams : "How do I know if my dream is from

Refuse to Choose, Stand to Lose?

After my husband told me today for the 1000th time that the reason I am not seeing success in any of my goals is that I need to focus on one thing, I consulted ChatGPT to find out how to narrow my focus and why I can't just buckle down and pick one thing. It's funny because, for many people, the answer may seem so easy. Just pick the thing you are best at, the one that's most likely to succeed, or the thing you are most interested in. However, asking me to do that is about as easy as asking me which body part I'd like to chop off. If forced to choose, it would be similar in that I'd just be trying to pick which thing is the least painful to live without. The rest of my life, I'd have to adapt to its absence while honestly wishing it were still there. That is how it feels for me to give up my variety of interests and choose one thing. This way of being is something I've always struggled with and has always felt hard in a world where people are praised for the

Embracing Authenticity: Breaking Free from the Mask We All Wear

Adapted from a post I wrote July 10, 2020 and never posted. I've worn many hats in my life, but through all the things I've tried, I've tried to be authentic. Recently, I found myself grappling with the idea that perhaps I needed to present a façade to succeed. It seemed that many people around me were projecting confidence and competence, even if it wasn’t entirely genuine. My confidence level is often lower than my competence level causing people to mistake me for someone who doesn't know when really I am actually way smarter and more capable than I act. So I questioned whether embracing this pretense would be a good a way to fit in or succeed. It’s important to recognize that everyone has moments where they might feel the need to be less than genuine. This is often a coping mechanism rooted in self-doubt and insecurity. Many people, myself included, might feel pressured to project an image of unwavering confidence, even when it doesn’t align with our true feeling

How Instagram Scams are using the new fad of customization to sell old products to hopeful shoppers.

Have you been inundated with ads on instagram from all kinds of companies that seem to know exactly what you need and all have a little quiz to customize their products to you? Is instagram becoming the coolest new way to shop? Have marketers finally found a way to customize products to your individual needs? Why hasn't this been done before? Well sorry to burst your bubble, but the sad truth is the majority of these companies are overpriced scams using marketing tricks to appear special. Those quizzes you are taking have specific health questions that make you feel like the brand really cares about your personal needs. It makes you feel seen and heard, and gives you the impression that at the end of the quiz you are going to get a recommendation of a product that perfectly meets your needs.  Its genius, but also quite awful because its misleading and untrue. They don't care about your needs and they are not customizing anything to you. To test this out I took many quizzes for

The Hidden Costs of TMS: A Cautionary Tale of this Depression Miracle Cure

I recently started a procedure called TMS, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, which is touted as an amazing treatment that reduces depression in 80% of its patients and completely cures depression in 50% of those who find success. It seemed almost too good to be true. My research revealed only positive feedback: most people felt happier and less anxious after the procedure, with minimal side effects—just a slight headache that fades over time. However, most doctors and therapists I spoke to had never heard of TMS because it has only been around for about 20 years, a relatively short period in the medical world. Unfortunately, the medical community does not always keep up with the latest developments or technologies, so TMS is often only available through private practices. Nevertheless, it is FDA-approved and covered by insurance, unlike many therapies and depression treatments, which are often expensive and poorly covered. For me, TMS only required a copay. Although each session

The Brownie Effect: One Small Poor Choice that Lead to a Slew of Stress

Brownies ruined my weekend, destroyed my health and almost killed my dog   Never bake brownies past 9pm and don’t eat them past 9pm either, especially not with a dog in the house. It’s strange how in life the butterfly effect can be so real and damaging. One small poor choice that seems minor at the time can have a disastrous chain of events. It makes me realize I need to be much stricter with myself and not let myself sneak past small evils or small compromises when I know better. I knew at 9:30 it was too late to start cooking browniez, but what I didn’t know and couldn’t predict is that the batch I made would for some reason take twice as long to bake. I should have known because I didn’t have eggs and had to use a substitute and in the past I have noticed some slowness to my oven, but never would I have guessed it would take me an hour and a half to make brownies. Then I ended up eating them and staying up 2 more hours leading to a chain of events where I got less sleep and had to